Posts by tag: AI in Propaganda

ChatGPT and Propaganda Research: Analyzing AI's Role in Information Influence

ChatGPT and Propaganda Research: Analyzing AI's Role in Information Influence

| 12:53 PM

Hey there, it's your go-to gal for all things tech and society! Let's dive into a fascinating topic I can't stop thinking about - how ChatGPT, that super-smart AI we've all heard about, is really shaking up the world of propaganda research. It's like, suddenly we've got this tool that can mimic human chit-chat and potentially sway public opinion - kinda scary, but also incredibly intriguing, right? We're talking a whole new era where academics and professionals are pondering how artificial intelligence might just be the future of how information is disseminated and consumed. Join me as I unravel the complexities of this cutting-edge field where AI meets persuasive communication!

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